2024 KALAS International Symposium


  • July 24 (Wed)
  • July 25 (Thu)
  • July 26 (Fri)
July 24 (Wed) 1st day
(ENG) Symposium 1
Zebrafish animal model to study in vivo mechanisms of disease
Halla Hall A
Organizer : Jeong-soo Lee / Hae Chul Park KRIBB / Korea Univ.
Uncovering the secrets of tissue regeneration: From gene discovery to elucidating the mechanisms Junsu Kang
Univ. Wisconsin(USA)
Zebrafish model to study muscle development and regeneration Seong-Kyu Choe
Wonkwang Univ.
Application of zebrafish model to study peripheral nervous system disorders Ji Eun Lee
Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Neurotoxic effects of β-citronellol via KYN to 3-HK metabolic activation Suhyun Kim
Korea Univ.
Chair Jeong-Soo Lee
Hae Chul Park
Korea Univ.
July 24 (Wed) 1st day
(ENG) Symposium 2 [IACUC]
Post-experiment management of laboratory animals for 3R
Halla Hall B
Organizer : Seung Hyeok Seok Seoul Natl. Univ.
Considerations for End-Experimental Animals Ji Min Lee
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Sharing and Utilization of Animal Biological Resources So Young Yune
Ministry of Food and Drug Administration
Laboratory animal rehoming Jae-Hun Ahn
Seoul Natl. Univ. Hospital
Sharing and Utilization of the Surplus of Experimental Animals Seung Hyeok Seok
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Chair Seung Hyeok Seok
Seoul Natl. Univ.
July 24 (Wed) 1st day
AAALAC International Part 1:
Our Journey Balancing the Animal Welfare and Good Science by Voluntary Accreditation
Samda Hall
Organizer : Montip Gettayacamin, Young-Shin Joo AAALAC International / The Catholic Univ. of Korea
Animal Care and Use Program Management Hae-Jin Yoon
Korea Institute of Toxicology
Personnel and Research Management Jungmin Lee
Samsung Medical Center
Internal Oversight of the Animal Care and Use Program Ji Yeon Hwang
Seoul Natl. Univ. Bundang Hospital
Overall Veterinary Care Provision and Communication Young-Shin Joo
The Catholic Univ. of Korea
Functional Physical Plant Jeong Hee Park
Korean Animal Technology (KOATECH)
Chair Montip Gettayacamin
AAALAC International(Thailand)
Young-Shin Joo
The Catholic Univ. of Korea
July 24 (Wed) 1st day
(KOR) Symposium 3
Unraveling Immune Networks: Insights from Animal Models
Halla Hall A
Organizer : Hyeyoung Min / Jae-Hoon Choi / Ho-Keun Kwon / Jun-Young Seo Chung-Ang Univ. / Hanyang Univ. / Yonsei Univ. / Yonsei Univ.
Post-COVID pulmonary injury in hACE2 mice shows persistent neutrophils and neutrophil extracellular trap Formation Juwon Park
Univ. of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa(USA)
Regulation of macrophage activation in cardiovascular diseases Sungho Park
Transgenic mouse models: Invaluable tools for humoral immunity. Youn-soo Choi
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Microglial inflammasome-dependent regulation of blood-brain barrier integrity Jewook Yu
Yonsei Univ
Chair Ho-Keun Kwon
Yonsei Univ.
Jae-Hoon Choi
Hanyang Univ.
July 24 (Wed) 1st day
(KOR) Symposium 4 [KLAT Education 1 With KIT]
Anatomy and practical Methods for Animal Testing I
Halla Hall B
Organizer : Jeong-Hwan Che Seoul Natl. Univ. Hospital
Assessment of Rodent Respiratory Toxicity and Respiratory Function Se Ran Yang
Kangwon Natl. Univ.
Experimental technique in gastrointestinal research using rodents Jong Hwang Park
Chonnam Natl. Univ.
Asessment of brain and nervous system function Jae Ho Shin
Eulji Univ.
Characteristics and Key Research Methods of the Hematopoietic System Yi Rang Na
Seoul Natl. Univ. Hospital
Chair Jeong-Hwan Che
Seoul Natl. Univ. Hospital
July 24 (Wed) 1st day
AAALAC International Part 2:
One-point Lesson to Achieve AAALAC International Accreditation
Samda Hall
Organizer : Montip Gettayacamin, Young-Shin Joo AAALAC International / The Catholic Univ. of Korea
Overview and Update of AAALAC International Accreditation Program Montip Gettayacamin
AAALAC International(Thailand)
Step 1: Preparing the Program Description and Site Visit Young-Shin Joo
The Catholic Univ. of Korea
Step 2: Expectation of the Post Site visit communication and Council Deliberations Seung Hyeok Seok
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Q&A Session All speaker and particiants
Chair Montip Gettayacamin
AAALAC International(Thailand)
Seung Hyeok Seok
Seoul Natl. Univ.
July 25 (Thu) 2nd day
(ENG) Plenary Lecture 1 10:00-11:00
Halla Hall A / Halla Hall B
Insights from rodent models for understanding Diabetic Retinopathy Jesús Ruberte Paris
Autonomous University of Barcelona(spain)
Chair Je Kyung SeongSeoul Natl. Univ.
July 25 (Thu) 2nd day
(ENG) Symposium 5
Frontiers in Metabolic Regulation: Paving the Way for Therapeutic Insights in Metabolic Diseases and Beyond
Halla Hall A
Organizer : Su Myung Jung / Hui-Young Lee / Hyunji Lee Sungkyunkwan Univ. / Gachon Univ. / Korea Univ.
Elucidating adipocytes functions through development Joan Sanchez-Gurmaches
Cincinnati Children's Hospital(USA)
Role of CRTC2 in metabolic disorders Seung-Hoi Koo
Korea Univ.
Targeting Immunometabolic Functions of Adipose Tissue Macrophages: Therapeutic Perspectives from Animal Model Studies Yun-Hee Lee
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Fibrotic Niche-enriched Single-Cell Transcriptomics Uncovers Novel Age-Associated Cell Type in Liver Chuna Kim
Chair Su Myung Jung
Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Seung-Hoi Koo
Korea Univ.
July 25 (Thu) 2nd day
(KOR) Symposium 6
Precised Animal Care for Disease Model
Halla Hall B
Organizer : Seung Hyun Oh Seoul Natl. Univ.
Advancing Vivarium Efficiency and Animal Welfare through Digitalization: the Scientific advantages of the DVC System Guglielmo Vismara
Corporate sales team(Italy)
Good Care and Use Laboratory Animals in ABSL3 Facility Sung-Hee Kim
Yonsei Univ.
Animal Experiments in Germ Free Condition Hye Jin Kim
Chair Hee Jin Kim
July 25 (Thu) 2nd day
(KOR) Symposium 7
Utility of the Minipigs as Laboratory Animals
Samda Hall
Organizer : jong ki Cho Seoul Natl. Univ.
Development of wound healing agents using minipigs Sokho Kim
Kunsan National Univ.
The use of miniature swine for preclinical modeling in cardiovascular research Se-Il Park
Yonsei Univ.
Dermal Toxicity and Efficacy Study using Yucatan Minipig Jeong Ho Hwang
Pharmacokinetic and vaccine research model of miniature pig based on DPF condition Hyunil Kim
Optipharm Inc.
Chair Byeong-Cheol Kang
Seoul Natl. Univ.
July 25 (Thu) 2nd day
(ENG) Symposium 8 [KMPC]
Liver diseases in animal models
Halla Hall A
Organizer : Je Kyung Seong Seoul Natl. Univ.
RORα-GABP-TFAM Axis Alleviates Myosteatosis with Fatty Atrophy through Reinforcement of Mitochondrial Capacity Mi-Ock Lee
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Hepatic Steatosis and Steatohepatitis through ImmunoMetabolic Synapse Won-Il Jeong
Altered hepatotoxic properties of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in an animal model for type 2 diabetes Jun-Won Yun
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Emerging Insights: MASH-associated HCC Progression Kyoung-Jin Oh
Chair Jun-Won Yun
Seoul Natl. Univ.
July 25 (Thu) 2nd day
(ENG) Symposium 9 [NIFDS 1]
Recent Trends in Stem Cell & Organoid Research
Halla Hall B
Organizer : Hye-Jin Boo / Ok Nam Bae / Jun Won Yun Jeju Natl. Univ. / Hanyang Univ. / Seoul Natl. Univ.
Hair follicle stem cell and tissue regeneration Hanseul Yang
Organoid Modelling of Human Fetal Lung Development Kyungtae Lim
Korea Univ.
Biomaterials and devices for advanced organoid engineering Seung-Woo Cho
Yonsei Univ.
Salivary Gland Organoids for Investigating the Etiology of Xerostomia Hyung-Sik Kim
Pusan Natl. Univ.
Chair Jae-Jin Cho
Seoul Natl. Univ.
July 25 (Thu) 2nd day
(KOR) Symposium 10
Exploring Sensory Impairments: In Vivo Studies on Animal Models with Vision and Hearing Defects
Samda Hall
Organizer : Dong Hyun Jo Seoul Natl. Univ.
Establishing Patient-mimicking Mutant Mice for the Development of Gene Editing Therapy Young Hoon Sung
Univ. of Ulsan
Therapeutic Application on Angiogenesis-related Ocular Diseases Seok Jae Lee
Seoul Natl. Univ. Hospital
Allele-specific antisense oligonucleotide ameliorates KCNQ4-related autosomal dominant hearing loss Seung Hyun Jang
Yonsei Univ.
In Vivo Base Editing in Humanized Mice Mimicking Patients with Retinoschisis Dong Hyun Jo
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Chair Jinwoong Bok Yonsei Univ.
July 26 (Fri) 3rd day
(ENG) Symposium 11 [NIFDS 2]
Revolution of laboratory rodent health monitoring
Halla Hall A
Organizer : Byeong-Cheol Kang Seoul Natl. Univ.
Health Monitoring of Laboratory Rodent Colonies—Talking about (R)evolution Byeong-Cheol Kang
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Prevalence of Parvovirus in rodent. – How can we deal with Chappavovirus in SPF rodent? Yang-Kyu Choi
Konkuk Univ.
Strategy for Multiplex Real-Time PCR kit development Ki Taek Nam
Yonsei Univ.
Chair Byeong-Cheol KangSeoul Natl. Univ.
Jong Kwon LeeMinistry of Food and Drug Administration
July 26 (Fri) 3rd day
(ENG) Symposium 12
Cell-Gene Immunotherapy using Humanized Animal Models
Halla Hall B
Organizer : Kyung-Sun Kang Seoul National Univ.
In vivo and in vitro studies for evaluation of tumorigenicity of cell therapy product Yoji Sato
Division of Cell-Based Therapeutic Products(Japan)
Development of CD19 CAR-NK therapy targeting pericytes in the tumor microenvironment using a glioblastoma-blood vessel assembloid xenograft model Kyung-Sun Kang
Seoul Natl. Univ.
Assessing the Impact of CRISPR/Cas9 based ex vivo HSC Gene Therapy: Insights from Rhesus Macaque Competitive Repopulation Model Byung-Chul Lee
Sookmyung Women's Univ.
Engraftment of human immune system in the most commonly used immunodeficienct mouse model:Utilization for cell and gene therapy Sang-Nyun Kim
Orient Genia
Regenerative approaches for off-the-shelf hypoimmunogenic stem cells Da-Hyun Kim
Sung Shin Women's Univ.
Chair Kyung-Sun Kang Seoul Natl. Univ.
July 26 (Fri) 3rd day
(ENG) Symposium 13
Modeling Human Brain Development and Diseases
Samda Hall
Organizer : Hosung Jung, Huyk-Wan Ko Yonsei Univ. / Yonsei Univ.
Modeling Neurodevelopmental Disorders Using Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Hyunsoo Shawn Je
Duke–NUS Medical School (Singapore)
Epitranscriptomic regulations in neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration Ki-Jun Yoon
Human spinal cord organoids as a model system for human neurodevelopment and disease Ju-Hyun Lee
Decoding immune-microbiome-brain axis in a neurodevelopmental disorder mouse model Eunha Kim
Korea Univ.
Chair Jinwoong Bok
Yonsei Univ.
July 26 (Fri) 3rd day
(ENG) Plenary Lecture 2 11:00-12:00
Halla Hall A / Halla Hall B
The current insights into Alzheimer's disease research and advancements in therapeutic development Mook, Inhee
Seoul National University
Chair Huyk-Wan KoYonsei Univ.
July 26 (Fri) 3rd day
(ENG) Symposium 14
IImmunosuppressive treatment and immune monitoring protocol for the preclinical NHP study of xeno solid organ transplantation
Halla Hall A
Organizer : Ik Jin Yun Konkuk Univ. Hospital
Immunosuppressive treatment protocol for the xeno solid organ transplantation of NHP preclinical model in China Hidetaka Hara
Hainan Medical Univ.(Japan (China))
Immunosuppressive treatment protocol for the xeno solid organ transplantation of NHP preclinical model in Japan Takashi Yokoo
The Jikei Univ. School of Medicine(Japan)
Immunosuppressive treatment protocol for the xeno solid organ transplantation of NHP preclinical model in Korea Jaeseok Yang
Yonsei Univ.
Histocompatibility test for xenogenic solid organ transplantation in a preclinical model of NHP in Korea Eun-Jee Oh
The Catholic Uinv. Seoul St. Mary's Hospital
Chair Ik Jin Yun
Konkuk Univ. Hospital
Hyun Il Kim
July 26 (Fri) 3rd day
(KOR) Symposium 15 [KLAT Education]
Anatomy and practical Methods for Animal Testing II
Halla Hall B
Organizer : Dong-jae Kim / Yirang Na DGIST / Seoul Natl. Univ. Hospital
Anatomy and practical Methods for Laboratory animal eyes KIM, WONTAE
Normal anatomy and evaluation methods of bone Jin Seok Kang
Namseoul Univ.
Mouse models for liver cancer; Anatomy, Modeling, and Histopathology Seung-Ho Heo
Asan Medical Center
기술원 QUIZ 기획위원회
Chair Hyunjhung Jhun
July 26 (Fri) 3rd day
(KOR) Symposium 16
Research trends and perspectives of animal models for functional gastrointestinal disease
Samda Hall
Organizer : Chang-Woo Song KIT
FD(functional dyspepsia) animal models and screening test Chang Gue Son
Daejeon Univ.
Effects of vagotomy on GI motility and evaluation as a model animal Young-Su Yang
Development of gastrointestinal disease model animals using Helicobacter pylori Yoo, Yung Choon
Konyang Univ.
Use of human/animal-derived intestinal stem cells and their differentiated cells to mimic intestinal metabolism and physiology Kazuya Maeda
Kitasato Univ.(Japan)
Chair Chang-Woo Song KIT