2024 한국실험동물학회 국제학술대회 일정 안내-2024년 7월 24일(수)~27일(토)
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2024 KALAS International Symposium 자세히보기

Date July 24(Wed) ~ 27(Sat), 2024
Venue ICC JEJU (제주 국제컨벤션센터)
Registration ~ June 21 (Fri)   등록하기
Abstract Submission ~ June 21 (Fri)   등록하기


  • July 24 (Wed)
  • July 25 (Thu)
  • July 26 (Fri)
  • July 27 (Sat)
Hall Halla Hall A Halla Hall B Samda Hall Meeting Room (3F) Lobby
09:00-09:40 Registration Poster Session 1
09:40-10:00 Opening
10:00-11:00 (ENG) Plenary Lecture 1
11:00-12:40 (ENG) Symposium 5
Frontiers in Metabolic Regulation: Paving the Way for Therapeutic Insights in Metabolic Diseases and Beyond
(KOR) Symposium 6
Precised Animal Care for Disease Model
(KOR) Symposium 7
Utility of the Minipigs as Laboratory Animals
Poster & Booth
12:40-13:00 Refreshment & Exhibition visit
13:00-13:20 Luncheon Seminar 1 Luncheon Seminar 2 Luncheon Seminar 3
13:20-14:00 Lunch Break Poster Presentation1 (13:20-14:20)
14:00-14:40 Academy Award Presentation
Poster & Booth
14:40-14:50 Refreshment
14:50-16:30 (ENG) Symposium 8

Liver diseases in animal models
(ENG) Symposium 9
Recent Trends in Stem Cell & Organoid Research
(KOR) Symposium 10
Exploring Sensory Impairments: In Vivo Studies on Animal Models with Vision and Hearing Defects
16:30-17:00 Refreshment
17:00-19:00 General Meeting & Welcome Reception (Tamna Hall 5F)
Hall Halla Hall A Halla Hall B Samda Hall Meeting Room (3F) Lobby
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-10:40 (ENG) Symposium 11
Revolution of laboratory rodent health monitoring
(ENG) Symposium 12
Cell-Gene Immunotherapy using Humanized Animal Models
(ENG) Symposium 13
Modeling Human Brain Development and Diseases
Poster 부착시간
산학협력 간담회
10:40-11:00 Refreshment & Exhibition visit
11:00-12:00 (ENG) Plenary Lecture 2 Poster & Booth
12:00-12:10 Refreshment
12:10-12:30 Luncheon Seminar 4 Luncheon Seminar 5 Luncheon Seminar 6
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Poster Presentation2 (13:00-14:00)
14:00-15:30 (ENG) Symposium 14
IImmunosuppressive treatment and immune monitoring protocol for the preclinical NHP study of xeno solid organ transplantation
(KOR) Symposium 15 [KLAT Education]
Anatomy and practical Methods for Animal Testing II
(KOR) Symposium 16
Research trends and perspectives of animal models for functional gastrointestinal disease
Poster & Booth
15:30-15:50 기술원 QUIZ EVENT
15:50-16:20 Giveaway & Closing Ceremony
Hall Halla Hall A
09:30-11:10 Satellite meeting

2024 실험동물기술원 인증시험 일정 공고 확인

※ 자세한 사항은 인증위원회- 공지사항을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 일정과 장소는 변경될 수 있으며, 변경 시 재공지할 예정입니다.

구분 날짜 장소 접수일정
1,2급 응시자 전용과목 이론 워크숍 2024. 05. 25(토) 10:00-17:30 비대면 온라인 교육 2024. 04. 08(월) 10시 - 04. 24(수) 18시
1급 응시자 전용과목 이론 워크숍 2024. 06. 08(토) 13:00-17:10 비대면 온라인 교육 2024. 04. 08(월) 10시 - 04. 24(수) 18시
2급 필기시험 2024. 08. 03(토) 14:30-16:10 수원 컨벤션센터 2024. 07. 08(월) 10시 - 07. 16(화) 18시
1급 필기시험 2024. 08. 03(토) 14:30-16:10 수원 컨벤션센터 2024. 07. 08(월) 10시 - 07. 16(화) 18시
2급 실기시험 2024. 08. 03(토) 16:30-16:50 수원 컨벤션센터 2024. 07. 08(월) 10시 - 07. 16(화) 18시
1급 실기시험 2024. 09. 28(토) (시험 시간 추후 공지) 서울대학교 연건캠퍼스 의과대학
종합실습실(변경될 수 있음)
2024. 09. 02(월) 10시 - 09. 11(수) 18시