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목록 윗글 아랫글
게시글 내용
2nd Korea Mesenchymal Stem Cell Symposium 안내
학회 회원님들께


아래와 같은 심포지엄이 있으니 관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

2nd Korea Mesenchymal Stem Cell Symposium

November 7th 2007. Seoul, Republic of Korea

Register Online

Kyung-Sun Kang (Adult Stem Cell Research Center),
BK21 program for Veterinary Science

Sponsored by Abcam & Dawinbio


1. Invited speakers (초청연자)
2. Registration fees (등록비)
3. Abstracts for poster presentation (포스터전시)
4. Program (프로그램)
5. Venue(장소)-How to get to the Venue

Abcam would like to acknowledge the support of Science for this meeting.(이 심포지움은 Science에서 협찬합니다.)


1. Invited speakers

· Colin McGuckin, MD, Ph.D, Newcastle University, UK

· Mariusz Z. Rataczak, MD. Ph.D, Stem Cell Institute, University of Louisville, USA

· Oscar K. Lee, MD, Ph.D, Stem Cell Research Center, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

· Kyung-Sun Kang, DVM, Ph.D, Seoul National University, Korea

· Tsuneo A. Takahashi, D.Sc., University of Tokyo, Japan

· Stephen Strom, Ph.D, Pittsburg University, USA

· Young-Geun Kwon, Ph.D, Yonsei University, Korea

· Dong-IK Kim, MD, PhD, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea.


2. Registration fees

Early bird (by Friday 2 Nov) Standard

· Student 10,000won 20,000won

· Non student 30,000won 50,000won

* If you transfer the registration fees for your collegues, please tell us the their names.


3.Abstracts for poster presentation deadline Friday 26th October

Posters will be on display throughout the symposium. The first winner will be prized.


4. Program 09:00 - 09:40 Registration

09:40 - 10:00 Opening Ceremony

Session I: Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Umbilical Cord Blood

10:00 - 10:40 Colin McGuckin, MD, Ph.D, Newcastle University, UK
Living 200 Years is stem cells the answer?

10:40-11:20 Mariusz Z. Rataczak, MD. Ph.D, Stem Cell Institute, University of Louisville, USA
The identification of embryonic-like SSEA+Oct-4+CXCR4+ stem cells in adult bone marrow and cord blood-Physiological and pathological consequences

11:20- 12:00 Oscar K. Lee, MD, Ph.D, Stem Cell Research Center, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
Mesenchymal stem cells and skeletal tissue engineering

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch (Lunch Box) and Poster Presentations

13:30 - 14:10 Kyung-Sun Kang, DVM, Ph.D, SNU. Korea
Efficient isolation and robust expansion of cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells

14:10 - 14:50 Tesuneo A. Takahashi, D.Sc., U of Tokyo, Japan
Mesenchymal stem cells derived from human placenta and cord blood

14:50 - 15:20 Coffee Break and Poster viewing

Session II: Stem Cells from Placenta

15:20 - 15:30 Jeong-Suk Song, Abcam UK

15:30 - 16:10 Stephen Strom, Ph.D, Pittsburg University, USA
Amnion-derived Hepatocyte-Like Cells

16:10 - 16:40 Korean Scientist. MD, Ph.D
To be announced

Session III: Stem/progenitor cells and cardiovascular disease

16: 40 - 17:10 Young-Geun Kwon, Ph.D, Yonsei Univ, Korea .
Endothelial Progenitor Cells: Homing and Differentiation

17:10 - 17:40 Dong-IK Kim, MD, PhD, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea.
Angiogenic effects induced by stem cells from bone marrow and cord blood : Results from animal study to clinical trial in peripheral arterial occlusive disease

17:50 Closing remark and reception
Announcement for best poster presentation award


5.Venue No. 73 Cultural Center of Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea

Please contact Abcam distributor in Korea. Tel: 02.422.4915, Fax: 02.422.4916

목록 윗글 아랫글